Urban planning has always been a dynamic field, constantly adapting to the changing needs and rhythms of city inhabitants. In recent years, a new perspective has emerged in the field of urban design – one that seeks to shift the focus from purely human approaches to a more holistic, life-centered approach. This innovative approach extends its considerations beyond humans to encompass all forms of life, including animals and plants. Shira de Bourbon Parme is one of the pioneers of this emerging field and we are delighted to have her join us at the Culture of Nightlife Conference.

In many cultures around the world, darkness has often been associated with fear, causing children to imagine monsters lurking under their beds. In pre-industrialised societies, those who ventured out of their homes at night were often regarded with suspicion. However, with the rise of electrification, the night-time period underwent a profound transformation. The introduction of artificial lighting revolutionized urban life, altering circadian rhythms and reshaping societal expectations.

A city with a vibrant nightlife, she emphasized, can harness the creative energy of its community. It becomes a center of culture and social interaction, cultivating a sense of belonging and well-being. However, this transformation does not come without consequences. Prolonged waking hours brought on by artificial lighting have led to health problems, disturbances in melatonin production and a number of other problems for the human body.

Moreover, beyond the human sphere, we should not ignore the crucial role of night for animals and plants. Many species depend on natural cycles of darkness and light, such as tracking the phase of the moon or using the stillness of the night for regeneration. The impact of urbanization and excessive artificial lighting on these natural rhythms can be harmful, disrupting ecosystems and causing undesirable consequences.

There needs to be a ‘light infrastructure’, but also a ‘dark infrastructure’ in cities. While investing in lighting streets, buildings and public spaces, we also need to ensure that silence and darkness are maintained. This balance is essential for the well-being of all forms of urban life.

My presentation at the Culture of Nightlife Conference will explore solutions and case studies, offering ideas on how cities can adopt a life-centered approach to urban nightlife planning. I am particularly interested in exploring the delicate balance between safety, inclusivity and socializing during night-time hours. Nightlife festivals have the potential to be truly inclusive spaces, bringing people of all ages together to celebrate the city’s night-time culture.

Her enthusiasm for exploring these concepts in practice is tangible, and she looks forward to learning from first-hand experiences and observations. As a mother of young children, she expressed her excitement about the potential for Night Festivals to be truly inclusive spaces, offering a glimpse into a future where everyone can enjoy the city’s nightlife culture.

You can get your ticket for the Culture of Nightlife Conference from here.

This project is part of the national cultural program “Timișoara – European Capital of Culture in 2023” and is financed through the Grow Timișoara 2023 program, carried out by the Project Center of Timișoara Municipality, with funds allocated from the state budget, through the budget of the Ministry of Culture.

The Night-Art Festival is presented by George, the first smart banking.

Sponsors: Fan Courier, Iulius Town, ATP Motors, Pepsi

Project partners: Leeds City Council, In-Edu Association Timișoara, German Cultural Center Timișoara, Cluj Cultural Center, West University Timișoara, University of Art and Design Cluj-Napoca, Polytechnic University of Timișoara

Communication partners: Getica OOH, Aushopping galleries, Kiss Fm, Euromedia, Pressone.ro, G4Media.ro, World Wide Print, Daisler Print House, Știri din România, Tion, Express de Banat, IQOOL, Zile și Nopți, Știri de Timișoara, NewsVest, Adevărul, TVR, Radio Timișoara, România Pozitivă, Best of Timișoara