“I MISS YOU…” – a message so simple, yet so powerful. A special statement that we convey, every time, with the same intense feeling. The installation dedicated to longing is part of a unique dialogue, imagined and created by the Daisler Association as part of the Lights On Romania festival.
“I MISS YOU” has become the most famous light installation Made in Romania, thanks to the echo it creates with each appearance and in each community where it lands. Thus, with every photo sent, with every story shared and with every emotion felt at the sight of it, it has become a statement of all Romanians.
In 2018, the entire city of Cluj, and not only, was buzzing after its first appearance on the Elisabeth Bridge. In 2019 it crossed the borders of the country, reaching the capital of the United Kingdom. In 2021, the first overseas exhibition took place in the metropolis of Chicago. And in 2022 it made its way among America’s best-known landmarks in Washington D.C. And the news of the exciting project has even reached New York’s most famous screens.
It’s the message that appeals time and time again to the core values we carry with us all over the world. With a resounding yet sensitive impact, the installation is meant to generate new and new emotions in every viewer. And because such a statement could not go unanswered, a year later two other lines appeared: ‘ME TOO’ and ‘I’M WAITING FOR YOU’, which are equally clear in their powerful messages.
This project is part of the national cultural program “Timișoara – European Capital of Culture in 2023” and is financed through the Grow Timișoara 2023 program, carried out by the Project Center of Timișoara Municipality, with funds allocated from the state budget, through the budget of the Ministry of Culture.
The Night-Art Festival is presented by George, the first smart banking.
Sponsors: Fan Courier, Iulius Town, ATP Motors, Pepsi
Project partners: Leeds City Council, In-Edu Association Timișoara, German Cultural Center Timișoara, Cluj Cultural Center, West University Timișoara, University of Art and Design Cluj-Napoca, Polytechnic University of Timișoara
Communication partners: Getica OOH, Aushopping galleries, Kiss Fm, Euromedia, Pressone.ro, G4Media.ro, World Wide Print, Daisler Print House, Știri din România, Tion, Express de Banat, IQOOL, Zile și Nopți, Știri de Timișoara, NewsVest, Adevărul, TVR, Radio Timișoara, România Pozitivă, Best of Timișoara