Safety – an important factor influencing cultural nightlife, and also one of the themes addressed in Nocturn, the Lights On event that redefines theatrical norms and invites audiences to take part in an unusual bus ride. Indeed, it is impossible to imagine a vibrant and inclusive cultural nightlife without a minimum sense of security guaranteed to all members of the community. In anticipation of the show, we wanted to find out from Iulia-Victoria Ioana, Andrei Zgăbaia and Darius Zet, the actors in the Nocturn show, what safety means to them and how we can help to amplify this feeling.

An important aspect of safety in the city seems to be, from the point of view of the three actors, the ability of all residents, regardless of gender, age or identity, to walk around unhindered at any time of the day. “A safe city would mean a place where I can go out on the street at any time without feeling threatened by my surroundings;” says Iulia-Victoria Ioana. Actor Darius Zet identifies a more specific set of characteristics that could underpin a safe city: “well-maintained infrastructure, adequate street lighting and communities working together to maintain a protective environment”. We also wanted to find out where such places can be found in Timișoara, and the three artists shared with us their safe places in the city: the Central Park, the Botanic Park, the Bega riverfront and the café on the ground floor of the Mihai Eminescu National Theatre.

In the spirit of the festival, post-sunset recommendations could not be overlooked either. We learned from the three actors that the central area is very dynamic regardless of the time of day and that the lights of Iulius Town could successfully color an evening stroll. Timișoara’s special atmosphere can be experienced without too much fuss: “It’s enough to take a walk in the city center, to observe the architecture of the buildings. It’s a city with an important history for the present we live in today. That’s what makes it a visited city, that’s what makes it an outstanding city, it’s a beautiful city that I call home,” emphasizes Darius Zet.

Learn more about the special relationship with the city and the three actors’ experiences in Timișoara at Night Theater. Nocturn will premiere on the 29th of September. The electric bus of the Romanian producer ATP Trucks & Buses will take the audience on the route of debates about safety at night and various other themes every evening until the 8th of October. Your experience can also contribute to a safer space!


This project is part of the national cultural program “Timișoara – European Capital of Culture in 2023” and is financed through the Grow Timișoara 2023 program, carried out by the Project Center of Timișoara Municipality, with funds allocated from the state budget, through the budget of the Ministry of Culture.

The Night-Art Festival is presented by George, the first smart banking.

Sponsors: Fan Courier, Iulius Town, ATP Motors, Pepsi.
Project partners: Leeds City Council, In-Edu Association Timișoara, German Cultural Center Timișoara, Cluj Cultural Center, West University Timișoara, University of Art and Design Cluj-Napoca, Polytechnic University of Timișoara

Communication partners: Getica OOH, Galeriile Aushopping, Kiss Fm, Euromedia,,, World Wide Print, Daisler Print House, Știri din România, Tion, Express de Banat, IQOOL, Zile și Nopți, Știri de Timișoara, NewsVest, Adevărul, TVR, Radio Timișoara, România Pozitivă, Best of Timișoara.