All installations, a guided tour connecting the city with its aorta, the Bega River.

Light installations in Iosefin, light installations on Bega, all connected night by night by guides who will take care of you. Discover the city differently, inspired by light installations.

Let’s go for a spin around the Earth! Not in a crazy 80-day race, but at a slow pace, at a pace that allows you to exchange a word or two, to listen to the person next to you, to look carefully around. And maybe see some things you’ve come to pass by with indifference.

Lights on Bega, with its light and attention that we place on the first navigable canal in Romania as part of Lights On – The Night-Art Festival, awaits you from October 3 to October 8 on Guided Tours, departing from The Lighthouse from the Iosefin neighbourhood.

We promise an engaging and educational experience on the banks of the river, and in return, we ask for a few minutes to stand still and reflect on our responsibility in protecting and preserving Earth’s fragile ecosystems.


This project is part of the national cultural program Timișoara – European Capital of Culture in the year 2023 and is funded through the BEGA program, run by the Timiș County Culture and Arts Center, with funds allocated from the state budget, through the budget of the Ministry of Culture.

Sponsors: Fan Courier, Pepsi

Project partners: In-Edu Association Timișoara, German Cultural Center Timișoara, Cluj Cultural Center, West University Timișoara, University of Art and Design Cluj-Napoca, Polytechnic University of Timișoara.

Communication partners: Getica OOH, Aushopping galleries, Kiss Fm, Euromedia,,, World Wide Print, Daisler Print House, Știri din România, Tion, Express de Banat, IQOOL, Zile și Nopți, Știri de Timișoara, NewsVest, Adevărul, TVR, Radio Timișoara, România Pozitivă, Best of Timișoara.